1. To join an MBSR-X program, you need to first be assessed by Dr. Treyvaud. The assessment is conducted online. To join an MBSR-CC program, please email Dr. O’Malley.
  2. To book an assessment for the MBSR-X, first please request your family physician, psychiatrist, or other medical specialist (has to be an MD) to fax a referral to 905 338 2717, specifying that it is for the MBSR-X program.
  3. Once you have initiated a referral with your physician, please contact us by clicking here and filling out the form to let us know you intend to register for an MBSR-X program.
  4. We will contact you once we have received the referral and your completed form.

At the end of the appointment, Dr. Treyvaud will review his recommendations with you. If mindfulness training is recommended, he will decide whether the MBSR-X program is most suitable for your situation and if necessary make other recommendations. You will then be put on the list for the next available program.